Our main goal is to make children fall in love with school and learning by gamifying the whole experience, all while teaching futuristic technology topics.
About TTA
A fusion of an academy and an innovation lab. Children learn programming, electronics and mechanics through a gamified experience, move to an advanced level to collaborate with teachers and come up with tech innovations of their own for the real world. The Tech Academy is a social enterprise that teaches children (aged 8-14) Robotics, Electronics, 2D, 3D Animation and Game Development. So far, 650+ students have been trained directly through our academy with a 1000+ others participating in various programs, charities and workshops.

Mechatronics and Electronics
Animation, 3D, CGI & VFX
Game Development
2D & 3D Game Dev via Game Engine
Our Achievements
- FGC 2020 Champion
- Taught robotics in bandarban and other under-privileged areas
- Collabs with multiple NGOs to teach
- 650+ academy grads
- 1000+ kids interacted with via workshops & events
- Students have been speakers at multiple TEDx and university events
- Workshops where children teach adults
What Happens in TTA
Bleeding edge education
In our academy we teach subjects that are “futuristic” and on the rise. These are upcoming interests that are projected to have high-value in Bangladesh in the upcoming years. Our students are preparing themselves from a young age and will be masters of technology in the coming future.

Project based Learning
Our classroom revolves around the students, and we are focused on helping them excel. After conducting research we have come to conclude that the best method of learning is a top-down approach in project based work.

Bhai Thamen App
an app built with the collaboration between TTA and Creator Lab to raise awareness and prevent violence against women.
To Visit the official website click this link- https://bhaithamen.com/

Teaching through challenges

Teaching through open source tools

Kids teaching adults High tech skills

Gamified Scoring system
Future Plan
We believe in goal setting in order to achieve success. These are the milestones we aim to achieve in the next 5 years.
in Rural areas all over
to win internationally around the globe
Spreading over 20 districts